Tutor Training


The Associate Tutor Training Development Programme® is a 5-day course, which on completion qualifies you as a Suicide First Aid® SFA Associate Tutor with a licence to deliver our two core programmes:

Suicide First Aid® and Suicide First Aid Lite®


As part of this programme, prospective Tutors will be expected to complete the following 4 key elements before being signed off by City & Guilds as a SFA Associate Tutor:

Full attendance on the four day National Tutor-led programme

Completion of a reflective journal covering your four days on the ATTDP course

Successful completion of the City & Guilds assured unit of learning written assignment.

Observed delivery of your first SFA course by a National Tutor. (referred to as a Day 5 delivery)

Find out more:

For a full overview of the ATTDP programme, including content, entry requirements and pricing, contact info@ncspt.org.uk.

I feel I have benefitted in so many ways, some of which I could not have predicted ahead of the course. I benefited from the learning, mostly in terms of learning a new product and content for SFA, but also cultural learning, reflective learning and self-awareness.

Our Reviews